domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2015

Living Things

Living things CAN:

Animals, plants and human beings are living things.

Non-living things CAN''T

PLANTS are living things. They NEED water, soil and air

PLANTS can be:


ANIMALS are living things:

Animals can be:

  • VERTEBRATE (skeleton)/ INVERTEBRATE (No skeleton)
  • VIVIPAROUS (born from a mother)/ OVIPAROUS (born from eggs)
  • HERBIVORE (eat Plants)/ CARNIVORE (animals)/ OMNIVORE (plants and animals)
  • They can live ON LAND/ IN WATER/ IN THE AIR

The solar system

Numbers 1-100

martes, 24 de febrero de 2015

Water cycle game

We have learned a lot about our Planet Earth. We know now that on the Earth we find atmosphere, ground and water. Let's play a water cycle game!


martes, 17 de febrero de 2015

Unit 6: Plants. Sciece 1º de Primaria

Plants: Plantas

Plants begin life: Las plantas nacen
Plants grow: Las plantas crecen
Plants die: Las plantas mueren
Plants need sunlight, water, soil and air: Las plantas necesitan sol, agua, tierra y aire.

Sunlight: Luz del sol
Water: agua
Air: aire
Soil: tierra
Leaves: hojas
Flowers: flores
Stem: tallo
Roots: raices
Trees: árboles
Shrubs: arbustos
grass: hierba
Seed: semilla
fruit: fruto

Unit 6: Plants- Science 2º de Primaria

Plants: plantas
air: aire
sunlight: sol
water: agua
ground: tierra
roots: raices
stem: tallo
flower: flor
leaves: hojas
shrub: arbusto
trees: árbol
grass: hierba
seed: semilla
medicine: medicina
fabric: tela
furniture: muebles

  • Plants need air, sunlight and water: Las plantas necesitan sol, tierra y agua.
  • They can't move because their roots hold them in the ground: No se pueden mover porque sus raices las mantienen en la tierra.
  • Plants make their own food: Las plantas hacen su propia comida. 

martes, 10 de febrero de 2015

Seasons games

 Season games

Plant experiment

We learn how to change the colour of a flower. How? It's very simple we only need some water, ink and a white carnation.

Here we have everything we need. 

- A glass or a vase
- Colour Ink
- A pair of scissors
- A white carnation
- Water

1. First, cut the stem of the flower.

2. Second, pour some water into a glass

3. Put some ink inside the glass. The colour is up to you!

4. Put the flower inside the vase


5. Finally, wait a few days and see how the flower changes its colour. 

Remember! It's not magic, it's science!!!

martes, 20 de enero de 2015

Animal classification

Vocabulario Unit 5. Science. Primero de primaria


Animals move: Los animales se mueven
Walk: andar
Swim: nadar
Fly: volar
Feet: pies
Fins: aletas
Wings: alas

Animals eat: Los animales comen
Carnivore: carnivoro
Herbivore: herbivoro

Animals reproduce: Los animales se reproducen
Viviparous: viviparo
Oviparous: oviparo

Domestic animal: animal doméstico
Wild animal: animal salvaje

Types of animals: tipos de animales

Mammals: mamíferos
Amphibian: anfibios
Bird: pájaro
Fish: pez
Reptile: reptil
Insect: insecto

Vocabulario Unit 4. Science. 1º de Primaria

Food and family: Comida y familia

I like: Me gusta
I don't like: No me gusta
Peas: guisantes
Fish: pescado
Chicken: pollo
Apples: manzanas
Pears: peras
Bread: pan
milk: leche
Cheese: queso
Yoghurt:  yogurth
Eggs: huevos
Sausages: salchichas
Breakfast: desayuno
Lunch: comida
Dinner: Cena
Father: padre
Mother: madre
Sister: hermana
Brother: hermano
Grandad: abuelo
Grandma: abuela

Vocabulario Unit 3. Science. Primero de primaria


Sight: Vista
Hearing: Oido
Smell: Olfato
Taste: Gusto
Touch: tacto
Eyes: ojos
Ears: oidos
Nose: nariz
Tongue: lengua
Hands: manos. 
I can see.... : Puedo ver
Noisy: ruidoso
Quiet: tranquilo
This is noisy: Esto es ruidoso
This is quiet: Esto es tranquilo
It smells good/bad: Huele bien/mal
It's sweet/salty: Es dulce/salado
It feels soft/rough: Se siente suave/ áspero

Vocabulario Unit 4. English. Primero de primaria

Family : familia

Mum: mamá
Granny: abuelita
Dad: papá
Sister: hermana
Brother: hermano
Grandad: abuelito
This is my granny: Esta es mi abuelita
This is my dad: Este es mi papá.
Tired: cansado
Happy: feliz
Sad: triste
Angry: enfadado
He's tired: Él está cansado
She's happy: Ella está feliz
Wedding: boda
New house: Casa nueva
Birthday: Cumpleaños
New baby: Nacimiento de un bebé

Vocabulario Unidad 3. English. Primero de Primaria

The farm: La granja

Cow: vaca
Pig: cerdo
Horse: caballo
Sheep: oveja
Cat: gato
Chicken: pollo
Chick: pollito
Hen: gallina
I  can see a chicken: Puedo ver un pollo
Farm: granja
Tractor: tractor
Duck: pato
Rabbit: conejo
Milk: leche
Ice cream: helado
Cheese: queso
Butter: mantequilla
Grass: hierba 

Vocabulario Unit 2. English- 1º de Primaria

Toys: Juguetes

Bike: bici
Scooter: patinete
Guitar: guitarra
Ball: pelota
Doll: muñeca
Car: coche
I've got a car: Tengo un coche
I've got a doll: Tengo una muñeca
Big: grande
Small: pequeño
Old: viejo
New: nuevo
It's a big car: Es un coche nuevo
It's an old doll: Es una muñeca nueva.
Drum: tambor
Violin: violin
Flute: flauta
trumpet: trompeta

Unit 5: Animals. Segundo de Primaria. Science

Can it swim? No, it can't: ¿Puede volar? No, no puede
Can it walk? Yes, it can: ¿Puede andar? Sí, si puede.
Mammals: mamíferos
Birds: Pájaros
Fish: Peces
Reptiles: reptiles
Amphibians: anfibios
Insects: Insectos.
Vertebrates: Vertebrados
Invertebrates: invertebrados
Internal skeleton: Esqueleto interno.
Oviparous: oviparo
Viviparous: viviparo
Born from an egg: Nacen de un huevo
Born from a mother: Nacen de la mamá
Omnivores: Omnívoros
Carnivores: Carnívoros
Herbivores: Herbívoros

Animal parts:

Mammals: mamíferos

Fur: pelo
Spine: Espina dorsal

Birds: pájaros

Beak: pico
Wing: ala
Egg: huevo

Fish: Peces

Scales: Escamas
Fins: aletas

Reptiles and amphibians: reptiles y anfibios

Shell: caparazón
Scales: escamas
Skin: piel

Insects: Insectos

Wings: alas
Antenae: Antenas

Unit 4: In the garden. Segundo de Primaria. English

Snake: serpiente
Bat: murciélago
Fox: zorro
Hedgehog: Erizo
Mouse: ratón
Frog: rana
Walk: andar
Swim: nadar
Fly: volar
Sing: cantar
Run: correr
Jump: saltar
Climb: escalar
Hop: dar saltitos
It can't run: No puede correr.
It can jump: No puede saltar.
To sleep: dormir
To make a nest: Hacer un nido
To have babies: Tener bebes
To wake up: Despertarse

Unit 3: At home- Segundo de Primaria. English

Bathroom: cuarto de baño
Bedroom: dormitorio
Kitchen: cocina
Hall: entrada
Living room: Salón
Garden: Jardin
Toby's in the kitchen: Toby está en la cocina.
Ella's in the living room: Ella está en el salón.
Cupboard: armario.
Box: caja
Table: mesa
Bed: cama
In: dentro
On: sobre
Under: debajo
Behind: detrás
Next to: junto a
Metal: metal
Plastic: plástico
Glass: cristal
Paper: papel

The animal song

One little finger!

The alphabet

It's winter!!!